Quel plaisir de pouvoir croiser des éducatrices de notre région de l'Intérieur sud lors de la conférence APPIPC à Whistler qui a eu lieu le vendredi 20 octobre, 2023. On retrouve, dans les photos ci-dessous, des éducatrices des programmes français de Merritt (SD58), de Nelson (SD8) et de Fernie (SD5).
En plus de pouvoir participer aux ateliers inspirants et innovateurs, les participants à l'APPIPC ont eu l'occasion d'entendre parler Samian, le rapeur et tisseur de mots, qui oeuvre à partager sa perspective du monde autour de nous.
Qui est Samian?
Le rappeur Samian a grandi entre deux cultures: celle de son père québécois francophone et de sa mère algonquine. Ayant grandi au sein de la communauté de Pikogan, en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, il témoigne de la puissance créatrice du français, des mots et de leur incidence possible. Lui qui est le premier artiste à chanter autant en français qu'en algonquin espère ainsi devenir un pont entre les cultures.
Southern Interior French Educators Connecting in Whistler!
What a pleasure to be able to meet educators from our Southern Interior region during the APPIPC conference that was held in Whistler on Friday October 20, 2023. Some of our Southern Interior colleagues can be found in the photos below: educators from Merritt (SD58), Nelson (SD8) and Fernie (SD5).
In addition to being able to participate in inspiring and innovative workshops, APPIPC participants had the opportunity to hear Samian speak, the rapper and weaver of words, who works to share his perspective of the world around us.
Who is Samian?
Rapper Samian grew up between two cultures: that of his French-speaking Quebecois father and his Algonquin mother. Having grown up in the community of Pikogan, in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, he bears witness to the creative power of the French language, of words and their potential impact. He, who is the first artist to sing in both French and Algonquin, hopes to become a bridge between cultures.